Website Security “Trends” 2024

Ever wonder what type of security your website should have? Well in this blog post, we will be going over the top security trends of this new year!!

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Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a crucial part in cybersecurity for 2024. MFA helps protect against hackers, however MFA takes a regular username and password sign in and makes it more “complicated”. This makes accounts harder to hack and get into due to the two or more extra steps (factors/evidence) to acutally get into the account.

AI and automation

With the rise of articficial intellegence and automation of tasks in the cyber security world, it has become easier and more managable. But, the down side of this is that ai powered security can be easily infultrated and are vaunrable to hackers.

Cloud Security

Cloud security today has gained a big foothold in business industry, with lots of benifits. However, with also has cyber security risks as well. Cloud security is becoming wide spread due to remote and mobile working and outsourcing. There are a few down sides to this though. Some problems include…

  • data loss
  • insider threats
  • account hijacking
  • insecure AIPs
  • misconfiguration
  • data breaches
  • malware
  • etc

So, if you choose to use cloud security, make sure you know the risks of using it.

Some things to worry about and why we need security

Security is a big thing nowdays due to so many hackers in the past and even today. Hackers can cause up to 7000 million in damage, and thats just the United States. Things such as insider threats are a big part of it.

Insider threats are not new but they are still a big problem for many people and businesses. As remote and online work becomes more widespread, its harder to find inside threats. Most likely because employees have access to sesitive and important information from the comfort of their own home. This can be a problem. In 2024 companies and businesses should focus more on monitoring and securing their internal networks, as well as telling and training their employees to recognize threats and suspicious actions.

Deepfakes and Disinformation are also something to worry about. Deepfakes or ai generated synthetic media have already been made a big concern because of their potential to spread misinformation and decive the public. In 2024 we can assume that hackers and cyber criminals will use deepfaking for malicous reasons. This includes using ai to fake videos or audio content. They can then use this to manipulate the publics opinions or even stock prices. Deepfakes can also be used in spear-phishing, to impersonate high profile people and deceive workers and employees. This may cause the workers to reveal sesitive information or even transfering funds.

Ransomeware Attacks have increased heavily through out the years and they arent stopping anytime soon. Ransomeware attacks are when hackeres and cyber criminals encrypt a victims data and hold it (hense the name ransome) they then hold it at ransome until its release. In 2024 we should expect the popularity of Ransomeware-as-a-Service or RaaS to increase. To protect yourself from this you should practice good online security and create good strategies fight against this. In the nest few years these practices will become more needed and critical because RaaS is predicted to become one of the top cybersecurity trends in 2024.


Now from all this what should you consider and have a concern about? A lot. Having security in an online presence is crucial to having a website or account. There are hackers that can easily take your information and spread it across the web or even the dark web for their gain. The main thing to take from this is that you should have a good security set-up so that hackers and cyber criminals dont and cant get your information or your companies information. I encourage you to see what kind of security you and have and if you can, increase it.