Web Design & Technology: 3 reasons why to love it.

Here are my reasons on why I’m Excited about Web Development & Design.

There are a lot of reasons to be excited about Web Development/Web Design, and I have many reasons. You may think its all about the money but not to me,

Yes I like the money but that’s not all there is to Web Development. In this blog post I will talk about the various reasons on why I’m excited for this program. many people think web is dumb. It doesnt have a use but it is actually very important now days. Have you ever been on an online shopping website? In order for big industries and companies to have a good reputation they need websites to further expand their reputation. Well without web designers, coders, and software engineers that wopuldnt be possible.


One of the reasons I’m excited for Web Design is because the education I’m getting. I think it will really help me on the path I’m trying to go on. With this class I get more education than a regular school would. I would really like to go to college for software engineering and this class would help. I feel like this class would also be helpful when going to college. If you go to a regular school, you’re going to need more education than what they give you, but this school can give you the education that you need for you later career.

The love for coding

My love for coding is also another reason I’m excited for Web. I love coding and I love everything with websites and how they’re made. I would like to become a software engineer and do what I love for a career. I have always loved coding since I was about 7 year old. I did girls who code which further enlarged that love for it. Seeing the cool things that you can make with just letters that you type is just so amazing and being able to code and design you website to do what you want is amazing. In this field you can be so creative and have you imagination come to life. Being happy in my career choice is a big thing for me because why would I want to do something that I don’t enjoy? If I hate my job I wouldn’t want to give 100% and I would do the bare minimum. That’s not good for your reputation or the company you work for.

Free Source Code Code photo and picture

The money

Yes, I like the money as well. But, you would to. According to indeed.com the starting salary for software engineers depending on years from experience are pretty good, the with lowest being 80k. Other years being…

  • Less than 1 year of experience – $95,450
  • 1-2 years of experience-$98,065
  • 3-5 years of experience-(n/a)
  • 6-9 years of experience-$112,167
  • 10+ years of experience-$128,505

These are some of the salaries you can get depending on your years of expirience. With the average base salary being $102,149. You can also work hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly. Those can be shown below.

  • Hourly: $28.56-$67.35 Average-$43.86
  • Daily: $296-$697 Average-$454
  • Weekly: $1,217-$2,870 Average-$1,869
  • Monthly: $4,710-$11,106 Average-$7,232
Free Dollar Money photo and picture

So why is Web Design & Technology so exciting for me?

Honestly, it’s the fun that you have while doing this. I love coding and websites so why not be in this program? The education here is great as well, this class can help me exceed my goals and make it where I really want in life. The money is also good especially the benifits you get like a 401k. One more thing I am excited about is the certifications that i can geret in this class. Certifications look really good on resumes and applications for colleges. In short, I am super excited for Web because I love doping it, Im getting a good education, and the pay is super good if you get there.