The Power of Website Call to Actions

Many website have CTA’s (call to actions), and they are what most websites need to be functional. It is one of the most important aspects on a website. CTA’s let the user where to go or what to do next. With out them, the user may get confused on where to go when buying a product or signing up for a service of some type.

Why are they important and how can they affect a website?

While you may think call to actions arent needed when navigating a user, you are quite wrong! When a user enters on a page they dont know exactly where to go. So by adding call to actonsyou can direct a user in to the right direction. This is important especially when you are selling something or getting people to sign up for a service. Imagine going to a website looking to buy something but you dont know where to check out or buy it at. That could be detramental to a website and could loose potential customers.

Well know call to actions.

There are many call to actions that you probally know of such as

  • Buy now
  • Add to cart
  • Shop here
  • Learn more
  • Download
  • Continue

I bet you see a lot of CTA’s that look like this. These are what grabs the users attention. You dont want to have a boirng call to action because then the user could get disengaged and leave the page. Many brands and shops use call to actions, here is a list of some of the best ones.

When going to these websites, what are the first things you see? Call to actions! They are the first things you see on pages. Notice how they arent in the boring text fonts or even just in a paragraph line. They are usually surounded with a pop of color, this is because they need to stick out from the rest of the text. If they arent the “star fo the show” users will not click on them. Take amazon for example, when you are searching for stuff to buy and you click on something, one of the things you may notice first is the add to cart button. Its one of the brightest buttons on the page because it needs to capture the user in to buying the product.

When testing the rates on using call to actions (the a/b testing) you want to make sure that one page has very visable call to actions while the other doesnt. You could even have both with call to action buttons but in different shapes, fonts, colors, etc. By doing this you can see what the users are most likely to click on. This can help your website because you now know the best way or design for the call to action buttons you are using. This also helps make sure the users can understand where to go and if they are engadged or not.

What is the lesson of all this?

The main thing to take from this is that call to actoins are very important. Not only that but the way you present them. If you have call to actions but they arent presented right you could lose users and that could be detramental. The best way to go about it is to test it out, see the types of things your users enjoy and are drawn towards. By making the call to actions flashy and clickable you can increase the amount of people on your website and it also helps keep them on you page.