The importance of backing up your website

A backup is a guarentee that your website is safe and can be restored if anything happens to it such as crashes. It helps if you accidentally delete some important things, your website gets hacked, or a plugin harms your site. Your sites are all vulnerable to hackers and other viruses but with the right protection and authentication you can be safe.

Types of Website Backups

There are three different types of website back ups and they all differ. The three consiste of, full backups, incremental backups, and differential backups. They may sound the same but they are very different.

Full Backups

Full backups are what they sound like, they back up all data. This is considered the safest and most secure of the backups listed. The data that you save will be sent else where for safe keeping. Recovery is fast and simple. And all recoveries are held in one single version. There are cons to this though, full backups take the most staorage up and the most space. They usually are the most time consuming when doing the backup process.

Incremental Backups

Incremental Backups are a type of backups that only save the data that has been changed or created since the last one. A backup like this is used usually when the amount of data trying to be saved is too large to do everyday. This can be helpful because if the data is too big it can take a while for it to be saved, especially every single day. This kind of backuptakes up less storage as well which is amazing. This may come with a down side though. While Incremental backups are sage there are some cons with it. Some being, the recovery time is slower, and some recoveries may need to be pieced together from other back ups to have a full recovery. Another con is thaqt if one or more of your backups fail, you will have missing data and thats not good.

Differential Backups

Differential backups are the last of the three. These backups tend to be much, much faster than full and incremetal ones. And you only need two backups for a full recovery, your last full backup and most recent incremental ones. Although this backup may seem the easiest it has the most cons. One being that it is slower then incremental. They also require a initial full backup for complete recovery. You could also have failed recovery if one or more backups are incomplete.

Consequences of Neglection

There are many consequences of ignoreing and neglecting website backups, especially with a business in hands. Risking things like this can be harmful to your company and customers. If something happens to your website, downtime on it can loose you sales and potential customers if left down for too long. It may also impact your exsisting customers negatively with their trust and satisfaction. This could damage your company’s reputation when other go to look.

Best Practices for Website Backups

  • Backup frequency
  • Choose a backup method
  • Implement a backup strategy
  • Use remote storage
  • Automate backup operations

By practicing these things and more, you lower your risk of you losing data and your website being down.

Impact of Website Backups

Backups are the number 1 garentee that your websiter stays safe and secure. They can make sure your website can be restored if there are any problems such as crashing. They can help websites guard against potential risks such as hacking as well. Backups have helped millions of websites around the world stay up and running and have helped when they need to be recovered. Just imagine a world without backups…chaos!

Whats the conclusion?


Backups are so important for websites for businesses and others, why risk it all over something that could take minutes? Backups garentee that you will still have your hard work and progress even if something bad happens. I encourage you to do a backup now and see how easy it is!!