Project Reflection and Personal Critique

In this blog post we will be focusing on refection and personal critique. With that being said, what is personal critique? Personal critique is the process of evaluating, analyzing, and providing feedback on a project or task that you have done either recently or in the past. It is good to add your own opinion because you can see what’s wrong and what you should fix and improve on. This also can help you see what you have improved on and how far you’ve come from point one. It is an opportunity for growth and development, both personally and professionally.

My Animal Project

During the middle of the year, we were assigned a project about animals. This was our very first website we would actually be making. Our goal was to make a website about an animal of our choice and to show some information about it. We had to use multiple pages and photos of the animal/its habitat. 

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 During this project we had not learned about grid or flex box yet so it was very hard for me to move photos around the way I wanted. But, one thing I think I did well was the color options, while it wasn’t the best, it wasn’t the worst either. It had browns and cooler tan tones which are some colors that I think of when I think about snakes. (Snakes were the animal I chose.)

Some things that I think were good in the project was the fact that I used what I know to actually make the layout. While it wasn’t the right way to do it, I made it work. Another thing I think I did well was linking to the other pages, it was my first time doing something like that so in my opinion it was really good. 

Some things that I think need improvement in the project was the way I moved the images and the text. This was before we learned grid and flex so I can understand that a little bit but we have resources and I could have looked up how to do so. Because I didn’t actually use grid or flex I really struggled with moving content boxes and images. I used margin and padding to move them and it was really messy. Not only that it was also very time consuming and tedious.

Some key things I learned while doing this project was that websites are going to take time, trial and error, and are not always going to turn out perfect. I know that when I first started the project I thought it was going to be a piece of cake and that I wouldn’t have any trouble at all. But after actually doing it I learned that

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It takes patience when doing a project like this. Not only patience but time management as well. I procrastinated on the project so much that I was rushing to get it done in the end. When making websites for a customer you don’t have time to lay it off for multiple days because it’s never going to get done on its own. I think that if I had managed my time better I would have made it look a lot nicer than it did. I know that in my future projects, I will be making sure I take my time and manage my time.

Key points

  • Dont rush your work
  • Manage your time wisely
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to start working
  • You need to be patient with yourself and the project
  • Don’t get upset if you mess up, its okay.
  • Colors matter
  • If you do not know how to do something don’t take the easy route, take time to learn it, and make it easier for yourself.
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