Form Security

In this blog post we will be going over different types of form security. This includes

  • PII

The point of form security is to protect both you and your customers data. To do so, it uses secure web forms and encryps any confidential data. You may ask why we need form security?

Well, unsecured forms can leave businesses open to legal liabilities and costly lawsuits, and they are at risk for regulatory noncompliance. 

Sensitive info is called Personally identifiable information or PII. PII is data that can be used to identify people or a person. There are rules that control the protection of many types of private info. 

Here is a look of four major categories:

  1. PII (Personally identifiable information)

   – PII is any information that can or can be used to identify people or a person .Some examples are… 

  • -names
  • -addresses
  • -ssn (social security numbers)
  • -phone numbers
  • -email addresses

   – Businesses and people must secure PII to prevent unwanted access or misuse. 

2. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act):

   – HIPAA helps contain the protection and privacy of peoples medical information and healthcare files. This goes for places like healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses

   – Working with HIPAA involves setting up safeguarding to secure electronic/online protected health information (ePHI) and ensuring the privacy of patients.

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3. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):

   – FERPA protects the privacy of students’ educational records. Examples.. grades, transcripts, and information related to students.

Schools and other educational establishments that get federal funding must work with FERPA by putting in security measures to safeguard students’ records. This will ensure that private information like this has restricted access. 

4. PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard):

PCI DSS is a set of security procedures and standards designed to make sure that all companies and businesses process, store and/or transmit credit card info to maintain a secure environment.

Organizations, businesses, and companies must agree and work with PCI DSS by making sure security measures are implemented into their work. This may include things such as encryption, access controls and regular security assessments to protect credit card information.

In all? Form security is very important wether you are a customer or a business. The privacy of sensitive information is top priority. Sharing info like that could be detramental to a person or company. Especially when it could expose someones privet infor such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, or even their address. This is also crutial when you work for a company that handles this information. You want your customers to trust you with their info.